We’re Glad You Are Here!

We welcome you to The Father’s Heart Ministries – A church that will love you as Christ has loved us. Our doors and hearts are wide open to welcome you into our church family. 

If you are new, visiting, or looking for a church home in the Indianapolis area, we would love for you to be a part.

TFHM Mission

Teaching and empowering people through the Word of God and stressing the importance of personal relationship with Him. We trust that in doing so, lives will be transformed, families strengthened, relationships restored, and God’s assignments will be fulfilled in the lives of His followers. 

Who Are We?

We are a Spirit-filled, bible based, fun-loving church that enjoys God’s Spirit moving freely in our services. It is our pleasure to serve Christ and others with love, humility and purpose. We desire to teach all people God’s Words in the hope that they will grow and mature in the knowledge of Christ to be a witness to others. 

Our vision is to represent and demonstrate the Father’s Heart to the world!

Core Principles

A Heart to Worship  (John 4:24)

A Heart to Love (St. John 13:34; Matthew 22:37-39)

A Heart to Give  (2 Corinthians 9:7)

A Heart to Serve (St. John 13:5; 14-15; Gal.6:10)

What We Believe

We believe....

  1. The Bible is the divinely-inspired Word of God and the truth fo God to man. (II Tim.3:16)
  2. God the Father, is the eternal Creator (Gen. 1:1; St. John 1:3; Sustainer (Heb. 1:3; II Tim 4:18) and Judge of His Universe (Heb. 12:23).
  3. Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary is the incarnate, (God in the flesh; St. John 1:1-14) only-begotten Son of God. There is no other name given under heaven by which man can be saved (Acts 4:12)
  4. Man was sold into Satan’s bondage through his obedience to the evil one (his disobedience to the Father). Jesus Christ, therefore, became the Redeemer by dying on the cross and shedding His precious blood as the ransom price for sinners (Acts 20:28), that whosoever believes in Him has everlasting life (John 3:16).
  5. In baptism by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for it is the saving name of God (Acts 4:12; Mt. 28:19; Acts 2:38; Acts 10:47; Acts 19:5)
  6. Jesus promised to give His followers the Holy Spirit, who would endue them with power from on high to enable them to be witnesses, beginning at home and reaching unto the uttermost parts of the earth (Luke 24:48-49; Acts 1:8).
  7. In the baptism of the Holy Spirit as on the day of Pentecost; when the one-hundred and twenty souls were in prayer and in one accord, and the sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind filled the house. Then they begin to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance (Acts 2:1-4)
  8. Jesus Christ tasted death for all men (Heb.2:9) and was raised eternally and victoriously on the third day (I Cor.15:3-4). All who believe in Him will inherit full redemption (Rom.10:9).
  9. Knowing this, it behooves His followers to live a holy and pure life in every way as He did, knowing we will be rewarded and judged according to the deeds done in the flesh (Heb.12:14; Mt.16:27).
  10. It is appointment unto man once to die, and after that the judgement (Heb.9:27).
  11. As followers of Jesus on the Mount of Olives saw Him go, so also will He return in like manner (Acts 1:11) and every eye will see Him (Rev.1:7). Those who rejected Him and pierced Him through will mourn because of their rejection of Him (Zechariah 12:10). Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of God (Phil.2:10-11).
  12. The saints and faithful will reign and live with Him (Rev.22:5). All evil will be destroyed by the brightness of his coming (II Thes.2:8). The kingdoms of this earth will become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ. Of His kingdom there will be no end (Rev. 11:15; Luke 1:33).


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